Right now the Do Cool Shit group program is on hold as I’m dealing with some extra-fun health issues and life stuff. I’m not sure if/when there’ll be a new round, but if you sign up for the list, I’ll keep you updated.

You’ve managed to make it through, day after bleh day, doing your best to keep up with adulting stuff.

You’ve found ways to pay the rent and support yourself.


You’ve figured out how to take care of your basic needs and even some not-so-basic ones.


You’ve collected some friends and pets and plants and maybe partner(s).


You’ve planned some creative projects or sketched out some business ideas.

And you’ve worked really hard to keep up with it all, even when you’re feeling anxious and inadequate.

Through your sheer determination and resourcefulness, you’ve been able to keep going...

Over time…

· You’ve gotten pretty good at your job—at least that’s what your boss says (you’re not sure you believe them).

· You’ve found at least a few people who understand you and the stuff you’re into.

· You might even start some creative projects from time to time (although you don’t tell anyone about them).

But as time passed, you realized....

  • Even if you get up the nerve to start a creative project, it quickly gathers dust. You just can’t seem to find the motivation to follow through.

  • You’ve stopped sharing your creative ideas with friends because you don’t want to be embarrassed when they ask about it and you haven’t made any progress.

  • You’re doing a lot more daydreaming than doing, which is getting really frustrating.

  • You’re scrolling through social media watching other people make art, write, start businesses, dance, design, code, record podcasts, play music….and you’re feeling downright jealous and confused about how they are able to let themselves do it when you can’t seem to even put the laundry away.

Now you’ve reached the point where…

· You’ve realized that you’ve just been surviving, not living, and that these problems with procrastination and feeling like a fake aren’t likely to go away on their own.

. You’re hopeful that somehow you can build a life that feels worth living. Hopeful that you’re not the only one who’s struggling with anxiety, imposter syndrome, and avoidance.

· You know that there must be better ways to cope with the obstacles that are coming between you and pursuing your creative dreams, but you don't have the time and energy to research it. You wish someone would just tell you what to do—and keep you accountable all along the way.

You're ready for change.

You feel stuck, overwhelmed, lost, and unequipped.

You crave connection, clarity, strategies, and a sense of empowerment.

You’re positive that if you have more tools and accountability, you can do more of what you want to do and be able to use your unique creative gifts.

You’re ready to stop daydreaming and learn a new way to approach your creative ideas and do more cool stuff.

Do Cool Shit is an 8-week small group program that helps people who have creative dreams go from feeling lost, anxious, and blah to feeling clear, empowered, and alive.

Do Cool shit IS:

· A cozy community of fellow weird people who understand why pronouns are important, that you can have more than one partner, that a die can have more than 6 sides, that a Burner isn’t just part of a stove, and that gender and sexuality aren’t the same thing.

· Practical, effective strategies based in 19 years of professional experience and scientific research.

· Interactive and hands-on, with lots of accountability and encouragement.

· A balance of supportive listening and active problem-solving

Do Cool Shit is NOT…

· Going to tell you to just manifest shit, think positive, or give you empty affirmations.

· Telling you “you can do it” without us first discussing exactly what you want to do, the steps you’ll need to take, how to troubleshoot & navigate the obstacles that might come up when you start trying to do it, and checking in along the way.

· A magic quick fix

· Therapy

· Passively absorbing information

When you enroll in Do Cool Shit, you'll...

Feel empowered: Able to face whatever challenges the future brings as you take steps towards your goals.

Befriend yourself: Learn ways to grow your self-compassion and move through imposter syndrome.

Connect: Reconnect with yourself and hang out with other people who get it. Become part of a supportive, encouraging community without having to get off the couch or change out of your comfy pants.

Do the things: Gain practical strategies in a group that can help you navigate obstacles and hold you accountable so you can finally do some of the things that you’ve been dreaming about for ages.

Love your life: Get motivated by clarifying what is really important to you and start to build a life that feels more meaningful and worthwhile.

What you'll get:

Do Cool Shit is an 8-week online group program you can access from anywhere you can get an internet connection. We’ll be a cozy community of 7-10 people so you can get the attention and support you need to make the most of the program.

Weekly schedule

Each Saturday morning you’ll get access to a new video lesson as well as the transcript of that lesson.

Later that week, we’ll have a live 1-hour video call using Zoom where I’ll answer your questions about the lesson and help troubleshoot anything that came up when you were trying out the new strategies. The call will be recorded so you can watch it as often as you like or catch up if you had to miss it.

Throughout the program, you’ll have access to a private forum just for the people in the program in order to get additional support and accountability. Like having a trainer/cheerleader in your pocket!

Little extras

In addition to the lessons, live calls, and community support, you’ll also receive the e-book version of my book I Can’t Fix You—Because You’re Not Broken: The Eight Keys to Freeing Yourself From Painful Thoughts and Feelings. This book is the basis for this program.

Plus I’ll mail you a little goodie box with some tools to help you make the most of the program, such as fidget toys for focus while watching the video lessons, a workbook, and some special surprises, all sourced as much as possible from small businesses and artists.


a little about me & why I do this

(Disclaimer: I did not make the balloon unicorn, but isn’t it awesome?)

I’ve spent a lot of my life feeling invisible….being non-binary, bisexual, pagan, queer, and chronically ill can definitely do that. Even though I confidently painted and wrote and sang as a child, I have also spent a lot of my life since then feeling like an inadequate imposter.

So I collected degrees, the last one being a doctorate in clinical psychology. I’ve worked as a psychologist in hospitals and nursing homes. I’m trained as a death & mourning doula as well as a hospice volunteer. I’m a registered yoga teacher.

I’ve been a therapist and coach to dozens of would-be artists, designers, writers, poets, dancers, entrepreneurs, musicians, event planners, community organizers, motivational speakers, coders, engineers, woodworkers, astrologers, actors, and many other people wanting to use their talents to make this world a better place.

All those certificates and degrees? They didn’t help me feel more “real.” In fact, for years I kept looking over my shoulder, waiting for the day that someone would come to repossess my degree and tell me that I didn’t really deserve it.

At the same time, I was dreaming. Dreaming of writing books that would empower and entertain people. Dreaming of sewing projects, collages, paintings. Even dreaming of starting businesses like this one.

Then I really felt like an imposter because I didn’t have a degree or training in any of that stuff! It felt like I wasn’t allowed to do it, that I had to wait for some external permission in order to start.

I know the tension between creative ideas bubbling up inside and the paralysis that comes from fear of failure, anxiety about being seen, and struggles with motivation.

I know that sense of there being something more that you were born to do, something that the world needs now more than ever.  The frustration that other people seem to have figured out how to be okay with being seen and making shit and taking risks.  

That’s why I created Do Cool Shit. And that’s why I wrote the book that it’s based on: I Can’t Fix You—Because You’re Not Broken: The Eight Keys to Freeing Yourself From Painful Thoughts and Feelings. I’ve been lucky that my training as a psychologist also helped me find the tools I needed to live more, live better, and do the things that I’ve been dreaming about doing. And I want you to have these tools too.

It took me over 15 years to figure this stuff out for myself, but you can get the same information in 8 weeks from Do Cool Shit.

Do Cool Shit is best for those who are ready to get new ideas for living a more creative, meaningful life and would like accountability and support for implementing them.


You’re ready if you….

· Are willing to try something new, even if it’s challenging sometimes.

· Want support and accountability as you make changes and learn new techniques

· Are ready to invest in your personal growth

Canva - Reading in Bed with Dog.jpg

You’re not quite ready yet if you…

· Are looking for a quick fix for your problems

· Don’t have the time and energy to spend 3-4 hours a week on yourself right now

· Would rather work independently and at your own pace

What others are saying....

Dr. Eckler breaks down complex concepts with wit and wisdom so that you are easily able to integrate them into your life.
— Amrit K., Portland, OR
It’s human nature to think that something is wrong with us, sometimes very wrong with us. Dr. Eckler’s compassionate tone instantly puts you at ease. She’s human too and shares many stories of her own struggles and challenges.
— Lynn C., Austin, TX

Frequently Asked Questions:

 What if I don’t know what my creative dream is yet? Will this information still be useful, or will I have wasted my time?

             Nothing is wasted! In this program we focus on using these strategies in relation to chronic illness, but they can be applied to any thoughts, feelings, or situations that arise in your life.


What if I have to miss a week?

Got an audition or interview? Have that specialist you’ve been waiting a year to see and the appointment happens to fall on one of our live call days? No problem! Each live chat is recorded so you can go back to it as many times as you like (which is also handy for rough brain fog days or if you had to dash to the bathroom in the middle of it).


How much time is this going to take each week?

       It’s best to do this program when you have 3-4 hours each week to spend on it, which includes watching the videos, being on the group call, checking in with the community, and practicing the strategies. No part of the program takes more than 1 hour at a time, though, so you can spread it out over the week.


How much does it cost?

       The total cost of the program, including the e-book and goodie box, is usually $797. For this special introductory round, it is only $597 if paid in one payment. That’s about half of what it would cost to meet with a therapist or coach for 8 sessions, and you get the bonus of having the lessons and support from a group.


Is there a payment plan?

       There is the option to make two payments, one of $300 when you sign up, and one of $300 by the beginning of Week 4.


Is this therapy?

              Nope! This is a coaching program. We are focused on learning and using new skills to address specific problems.

here’s what to do:

1. Click the I'm Ready button below.

2. Fill out the quick and easy application form to join the waitlist.

3. Watch for an email with information on the next steps.

4. Reward yourself for deciding to do cool stuff and use your gifts to build a better life!